Currently, net interest payments on the federal debt are around 8% of revenues. 目前,联邦债务的利息支付约占联邦收入的8%。
In addition, net interest on maintenance funds to repair the fund accumulated for the use and management. 另外,维修基金利息净收益转作维修基金滚存使用和管理。
Second, analysts had thought that a move to let banks compete more on deposit rates would cut into their net interest margins, which account for about two-thirds of their profits, but that effect failed to materialise. 第二个原因是,分析师们原本以为,在银行存款利率上引入更多竞争会减少他们的净利差,而利差收入约占银行盈利的三分之二,然而这种预期并没有成为现实。
The contraction in their net interest margin, the gap between their cost of funds and the rate at which they deploy them, underscores a larger problem in the American economy. 净利润率的紧缩,基金成本和收益差额的放大都强调出美国经济中一个大问题。
But noninterest income has higher volatility and cyclicality than net interest income, and the marginal benefit of diversification is reducing with the increase of noninterest income. 但是,由于非利息收入相比于净利息收入具有较高的波动性和明显的周期性,随着非利息收入比重的增加,这种分散化所带来的边际收益在逐步减少。
This factor had outweighed the positive effect of net interest income, thus leading to a decline in the backing ratio. 这项因素抵销了净利息收入的正面效应,导致支持比率下跌。
Leaving us with a net interest income of ninety-nine million pounds. 净利息收入达九千九百万英镑。
At ICBC, for example, fee income grew twice as fast as net interest income in the last nine months from a year earlier. 例如,工商银行的手续费收入在去年后三个季度的增速是净息差收入增速的两倍。
By 2012 the US would have an external debt-GDP ratio of 46 per cent – roughly similar to that of Mexico today – and net interest payments to foreign creditors would still be less than 1 per cent of GDP, McKinsey estimates. 麦肯锡估计,到2012年,美国外债占GDP的比例将为46%,与今天的墨西哥大致相当,支付给外国债权人的净利息仍将不到GDP的1%。
You know, a part of the bank's policy is to limit dependence on net interest as a source of income and to develop its fee and commission earning activities. 大家都知道,本行的政策之一就是不仅仅是依靠贷款获利,更重要的是应当通过其它方式,如赚取服务费,佣金等方式来增加本行的收益。
In addition, the rise in funding costs was reflected in only sluggish growth in net interest income. 此外,资金成本上涨,亦导致净利息收入仅录得微幅增长。
Bank of China's net interest margin dropped 13 basis points to 2.63 per cent. 中行的净息差下降了13个基点,至2.63%。
This has been growing at a faster pace than net interest income in recent years. 近几年,此类收入的增长步伐超出了净息差。
Most lending is still done at or close to regulated rates, giving a generous net interest rate margin of around 300 basis points. 多数贷款仍基于或接近基准利率,使得净利差高达约300个基点。
An Empirical Analysis on Determination Factors of Net Interest Margin of Chinese Commercial Banks 对中国商业银行净利差决定因素的实证分析
However, this loss was dwarfed by the pboc's net interest income. 不过在巨大的纯利息收入面前,这些损失也变得微不足道了。
China caps the deposit rates that banks can offer well below lending rates, giving them a handsome net interest margin as a guaranteed source of profit. 根据监管部门的规定,商业银行的存款利率要比贷款利率低很多,这让它们获得了相当可观的净利差,掌控了一种有保障的利润来源。
Net interest ASP online store system, free and open source, easy to modify, covering all the features of online store system. 网趣ASP网店系统,免费开源,修改方便,涵盖了网店系统的所有功能。
In a June 29 preliminary report of its results, BofA said trading revenue fell in the second quarter from the first and that net interest income – the amount banks earn on loans – would also decline. 美国银行在6月29日发布的初步业绩报告中表示,二季度交易收入较一季度有所下降,净利息收入(即银行放贷利润)也将减少。
They have plenty of liquidity and the net interest margin for Mitsubishi UFJ on its loan portfolio in Japan is a mere 0.09 per cent, according to its financial statements. 它们有着充裕的流动性三菱ufj金融集团(mitsubishiufj)公布的财报显示,该公司日本贷款组合的净息差仅为0.09%。
Yet interbank rates have been spiking up, in part due to massive demand ahead of big initial public offerings, squeezing net interest margins at smaller banks. 不过,一定程度上由于大型首次公开发行(ipo)前资金需求庞大,银行间利率一直不断攀升,从而挤压了小银行的净利差空间。
It finds out that the entry of foreign banks is negatively related with the before tax profit and overhead of domestic banks, while positively with net interest margin and non-loan income, and has bigger impact on stock holding commercial banks. 结果发现,外资银行进入与国内银行的税前利润和管理费用负相关,而与净利息收益和非货款收益却正相关,且外资银行进入对股份制商业银行的冲击更大。
But banks will also have to deal with lower net interest margins, which are pretty thin already. 但是银行也必须应对原本已经很低的净利息收益率变得更低的境况。
The profitability of banks improved due to higher net interest income and income from fees and commissions. 由于净息差上升及来自费用与佣金的收入增加,银行盈利改善。
With both revenue growth and net interest margins consistently mediocre, digging in on costs is the only way for the bank to go. 鉴于收入增长和净利差始终表现平平,在成本方面做文章就成了渣打唯一的出路。
With US banks 'average net interest margin at a four-year high, some banks laden with bad assets last year benefited as cheaper funding helped to balance continuing high rates of provisions and credit costs. 鉴于美国各银行的平均净利差处于4年高位,一些拥有大量不良资产的银行去年受益匪浅,因为更廉价的资金帮助平衡了坏账拨备与信贷成本之间持续高企的比率。
The average of analysts 'estimates for the four biggest banks' net interest margin is 2.8 per cent, down from about 4 per cent 10 years ago. 分析师对上述四大行的净利差平均估值为2.8%,低于10年前约4%的水平。